
Substance use disorder, also known as substance abuse, signifies when a person does several drugs or substances, even alcohol, which causes health issues or rigorous changes in behaviour leading to difficulties at work, home or school.

It is more like a health condition concerning compulsive substance use. It occurs when using any substance conflicts with the potential for daily functioning. It can occur with both prescription and nonprescription drugs.

Earlier medical professionals used to describe substance use disorder as ā€œdrug abuse.ā€ It is even known as an addiction that further differs from dependence.

According to various reports, substance misuse does affect public health. based on the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) studies, around 70,000 people died from overdoses in 2017. and every year, approximately 88,000 people die from excessive alcohol use in the united states.

Substance abuse also leads to other public health issues, like:

  • Drunk driving
  • Violence
  • Social tensions
  • Child abuse possibilitiesĀ 
  • Reusing needles for intravenous drug use also enhances the chance of transmitting diseases like HIV and hepatitis.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) explains substance abuse disorder as a brain disorder. itā€™s defined by repeated substance use despite adverse effects. substance use disorder includes various biological and social factors.

The most thriving way to deter substance use disorder is through education or joining Nasha Mukti Kendra in Indore.

Signs & symptoms

Signs & symptoms that indicate drug addiction are:

  • Irresistible feeling to use the drug daily ā€” every day or even various times a day
  • cutting back on social meetings because of drug use
  • Keep using the drug; even though itā€™s creating physical or psychological harm
  • Having strong urges for the drug that hinder other thoughts
  • Taking more significant amounts of the drug over an extended duration of time than you expected
  • Doing anything just to get the drug, like stealing
  • Maintain a supply of the drug
  • Undergoing withdrawal signs when you strive to stop taking the drug
  • Wasting money on unaffordable drugs
  • Over time, requiring more of the drug to get the similar effect
  • Not fulfilling work responsibilities 
  • Not succeeding in your efforts to stop using the drug
  • Taking risky actions under the influence of the drug

Grounds for substance use disorder

Practising substances like alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs and becoming addicted to them starts typically in childhood or adolescence. most people also grow dependent on such substances because of socializing and economic liberty. visiting a good Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in India can be the ideal measure a patient can take.

Stages of the disorder

Here are some of the stages of substance use disorder:

  • Experimental use stage ā€“ In this stage, the person uses the substance with peers for recreation.
  • Regular use stage- The patient changes behaviour and uses the substance to fix adverse emotions.
  • Daily preoccupation stage- The person in this stage stays preoccupied with the substance and does not care about life aside from it.
  • Dependence stage- In this stage, the person is unable to proceed with life without the substance. The financial and personal issues increase. They may also take risks that lead to legal issues.
Risk factors of substance-abuse disorder

Here are a few of the risk factors that develop substance use disorder:

  • Family background plays a vital role in the childā€™s physical, mental and emotional development.
  • The genetic inclination of being exposed to addictive substances.
  • Absence of nurturing atmosphere.
  • A social environment like bullying, peer pressure, etc
  • Aggressive/shy behaviour with others.
  • Poor coping skills
  • Inadequate performance in school.
  • Judgment of approval of drug use

At ankur rehab centre, one of theĀ Best Rehab Centers in India, we are ready to assist you in getting out of the substance use disorder. being experienced and professional, we know how to take care of patients with substance use. so, if you or any of your loved ones need such help, get in touch!